about me

I'm Dr. Annalissa, wife, mama, and dark chocolate addict. After two big babies born 19 months apart, I had both prolapse AND diastasis recti. As a pelvic health physical therapist, I had the knowledge of what to do to get it better, but I wanted a program that just told me what to do each day so I didn't have to think about it (who has time to figure that out when you have two littles?!).

I couldn't find the program I wanted, so I knew other mamas must be wanting the same thing I did. Something simple, straightforward, effective, and that taught the why behind every exercise. So I created it!

I'm on a mission to help mamas find the hope, support, and resources that they need to get back to doing what they love safely and effectively, without spending hours at the gym. I'm a doctor of physical therapy who specializes in pelvic health, and I'm also a Postpartum and Pregnancy Certified Exercise Specialist. And most importantly, I'm a mom who truly understands the struggle of trying to rehab your core and pelvic floor, all while taking care of little (or big) kids.

I knew I wasn't the Only One.

It wasn't just me looking for a straightforward, effective fitness program that was comprehensive.

Introducing Move Well Mamas.

A community that focuses on movement, knowledge, empowerment, and lifting other mamas up.

We have several programs to get you started on your journey today, and a growing community of moms in our facebook group.

We'd love to have you join us!

want a killer core and pelvic floor?

Take a look at The Balanced Core...

Get the education you need to have a strong, balanced core and pelvic floor!